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Time for international shows!

21 Aug 2024

The Polish show season, after the shows in Białka, Tarnów and Janów Podlaski, has come to an end.

In just a few days (23-25 ​​August), the Prague Intercup purebred Arabian horse festival will begin in the Czech capital, this year not only as Intercup and Eurocup, but expanded to include a special show from the Emirates Arabian Horse Global Cup series aimed at small breeders.

At the end of September (27-29 September), the jubilee 40th edition of the All Nations Cup will take place in Aachen. This year, it will be combined with the 5th edition of the Straight Egyptian All Nations Cup. A month later (26-27 October), we will keep our fingers crossed for Polish horses at the European Championship for Arabian Horse.

This year, it is held in Lier in the Flemish part of Belgium. The show season in our part of the world will be crowned by the World Arabian Horse Championship, which after a one-year break is returning to Paris. We will be rooting for Polish horses in the French capital at the beginning of the last month of the year (December 6-8).

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